When most people think about sustainability of coffee, they would think about what it in terms living standards of coffee producers, cultivation and processing practices, storage, transportation and marketing. But what about the waste from coffee. Unfortunately the harvesting, processing, roasting and brewing of coffee an estimated 99.7 percent of the biomass is discarded. While only 0.2% acquires value on the market, the remainder - rich in caffeine - is wasted.

Based on this, much investigation has been undertaken in recent years as part of the Blue Economy, in terms of what you can do with coffee waste and they have discovered that coffee grounds can be used for just about anything from clothing to batteries and biofuel. Possibly one of the more common practices is growing mushrooms on coffee waste providing food security, reducing emissions, and generating employment where the bi-product is a high quality livestock feed or alternatively high quality compost for the garden.

Anne Hidalgo the Mayor of Paris is pushing to grow mushrooms across the city to generate employment and provide local restaurants, supermarkets and food markets with fresh oyster and shitake mushrooms, instead of shipping them in from Asia.

Whether you want to grow mushrooms to establish local food security or build new revenue streams with a bi-product of high quality animal feed, join our growing mushrooms WEBINAR with microbiologist and international mushroom expert Ivanka Milenkovic. This 90 minute webinar is dedicated to the art of mushroom growing on coffee and other waste cellulose materials such as newspaper, straw, sawdust - even fruit tree clippings.   To accompany this webinar, there's a highly valuable EBook on "Mushroom Cultivation Manual for the Small Mushroom Entrepreneur"

Discover what waste products are best as a base substrate (coffee grounds, apple and pear prunings, brewing residues, water hyacinth biomass, salt cedar biomass, pineapple residues, banana leaves and weeds biomass are just some of the waste products you can use), what temperature you need to maintain, what lighting is required, how many Kilos of mushrooms you can expect to produce, how many harvests per bag of waste you can achieve, how to generate a second income stream through a high protein livestock fodder and much much more.

With the right knowledge, a solid customer base, 2.5 staff, a delivery vehicle, and a mushroom yield of 50kg's a day, you could earn yourself in excess of $300,000 per annum.

Mushroom production is the only viable, socially-acceptable, and wide-spread biotechnology to convert waste into high-quality food - and where the waste of production can then be turned into valuable high protein fodder for livestock.

Ivanka is the Founder and General Manager of Belgrade's mushroom from waste production facility Ekofungi. Ivanka has trained many mushroom experts, People-Planet-Profit minded entrepreneurs including Gunter Pauli's daughter Chedo on the art of mushroom growing.

This webinar and associated materials is available for AUS $88 for MOSS Members or AUS$110 for non-members including GST.

And for those wanting additional support, several times a year Ivanka runs a 3 day hands on mushroom growing workshop at her production facility in Belgrade, Serbia for an all inclusive price of ?600 - covering the workshop, meals, accommodation and an 8 day intensive program for an all inclusive price of ?1,950 covering airport transfers, accommodation, food and refreshments + training entailing lectures on fungal biology, substrate production, cultivation set-up, spent substrate recycling, organic certification and hands-on workshops on substrate preparation, innoculation & bagging, mushroom business basics - so together you can design a blue-print for your own sustainable mushroom farm.

Ivanka is also willing to visit the region for those who are serious about establishing a commercial operation and is available for one on one mentoring and consulting (live and or online). Ethical pricing structure applies. If you want further information, email us [email protected] and we'll co-ordinate your requirements.

Mushroom growing is a great way to use waste and produce a high protein high value tasty food as well as livestock fodder, so we look forward to sharing Ivanka's wisdom and how to tips via our pre-recorded webinar and Ebook to get you started!